The first of my trilogy of Argentine posts concerns something all readers will know is dear to the heart of The Weejun - desert boots. I've been wearing suede chukkas with crepe soles in various forms from the lowly to the rarified since I was about 13 years old and styles and fashions have come and …
Sanders Playboy Chukkas in Loden Green (From John Rushton Shoes – Now In Stock)
Stop Press 31 May 2011 - John Rushton has a small number of the Loden green playboys now in stock with more to follow after the factory's quaint Whitsun holiday shutdown is over. Be quick as it takes months for re-orders, Sanders being so busy these days... I know this blog is becoming somewhat …
Seasonal Confusion! Ivy in the Argentine
I realise it's been some time since I posted on The Weejun but this has mainly been due to an extended trip to Buenos Aires & Montevideo. The seasons being upside down meant the search was on for classic leather and suede which led me to source some fantastic items that I will be posting on …
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