Hutton Playtime in Hollywood – The Blob 1958
Maybe the low budget element of Steve McQueen’s first real starring role feature (not counting The St Louis Bank Robbery, that is credited a year later and where he wore sneakers and not Playtime) gave Steve the urge to wear a lot of his own clothes. After all, it was the height of the ivy style boom years and no self respecting young actor wanted to look daffy in a part.
So here we have Steve wearing a suede bomber, classic button down shirt, and for the first time he’s wearing Hutton Playtime. When the mysterious Blob is taking over the town, Steve is there with those crepe soles standing around craters, jumping counters, and stamping out the evil mess.
According to IMDB Steve McQueen had the poster of this film on his bedroom wall at the time of his death.
Little known factoid – the theme song is by young writing partners Burt Bacharach & Hal David and sung by The Five Blobs.

Saw a picture of Steve McQueen in A hat full of rain
From 1957 , wearing what looked like a nice leather pair .
Nice, from the TV play?
The movie had Anthony Franciosa, but was directed by Ralph Nelson who came from live TV plays.