Hutton Playtime in Hollywood – Wheel of Fate 1953
A very neat entry in our Hutton Playtime Hollywood Hall of Fame actually comes from the famous Riverside Studios, Hammersmith in London rather than Tinseltown.
Anglo Ivy style man Bryan Forbes had not yet reached his apogee as a writer and director but in this British Noir he played Ted the younger of two brothers running a mechanics’ yard and fighting over the same girl.
I remember seeing this on Talking Pictures channel and my eagle eyes spotted young Bryan climbing in and out of the garage window with a pair of Hutton Playtime shoes.
The film is well worth a watch as an entry in the British Noir series made as ‘quota quickies’ to show side by side with imported US fare.
We’ll see some more of Bryan and his Playtimes, later in this series.
Watch the whole movie here on YouTube
You can catch Bryan’s Playtime shoes at 45.33!
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