Found this interesting post on the blog about Bass teaming up with Opening Ceremony. Some of the Jo Boxer style saddle boots are a bit too frankenstein for my taste, but two tone weejuns… very nice, although for me brown and white/cream would be the one. Or Scotch grain, or calf with nubuck vamp. Oh well.
Please form an orderly queue.
michael karoub says
2 two tone are really neat what time period?
I have owned tan sude, green suede and navy weejuns -all utimately given away-enjoying your pix articles
michael karoub says
or are they “nowstalgia”? great shoes whatever their exact provenamce.
The Weejun says
Hey Michael, Welcome to The Weejun.
Do you mean time period for resissue? Supposedly summer in USA
I’ve seen those green suede ones on ebay, but only in a size 13!
Tony Ventresca says
I suppose this can be interpreted as a positive indicator that Bass has finally realized the potential value of the Weejun name and is doing something about it. Like all massive, bureaucratic, and fingers-in-too-many-pots companies they will probably be too late for the fad.
3buttonMax says
if i understand for issue this summer? 2009-enjoying your site weejun.
wore my old US made Weejun (cordo) tassel loafers to the gig….
shoemaker thinks he can copy the dye -from an orig pair I gave a friend and come close dyeing a pair of weejuns to navy like the 60s
The Weejun says
I remember seeing navy Weejuns in London in the late 80s, one of the lost versions along with the brown scotch grain.
Russell Street says
And also the White Weejun in J Simons. – Production samples he bought up from Bass in the US.