Looking very studious is the young Herb …
Here’s One You Can Buy: Brooks Brothers Jersey Popover BD (Happy Update)
Unlike the Gant Yale Co-op post, this one has a positive update! Met with The Ivy Smugglers this morning deep into enemy beardy workwear territory in Shoreditch (think Williamsburg if you're over the other side) to pick up three of the five of these shirts I ordered a few weeks back. So, it's …
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Ivy Bucks. They Weren’t Always Red Brick Soles…
"The Shoe With the Open Collar Feeling" Here's an interesting ad from circa 1960 by the Brown Shoe Company of St Louis for their Roblee Ivy Bucks. Interestingly these are sporting the gray brown micro sole that became ubiquitous in use by english shoemakers in the late 60s until the 80s when it …
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The Return of GANT Pt 2 – The Yale Co-Op Shirt (Nasty Branding WARNING!)
REALITY CHECK UPDATE: Herb Lester and I went into the Regent St Gant Store today to check out the new arrival Yale Co-op shirts. Sure enough, there was a large round table set up in the main doorway, with all the shirts laid out in folded piles and a a number of smug looking staff, who presumably …
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Campus Ivy 1963
Great image from a 1963 College Yearbook. (Thanks to Herb again for the source) …
What’s The Weejun Buying on Ebay? Johnston & Murphy Deadstock Saddle Oxfords (Too Small – Now Back on eBay!)
It's no use denying it. Saddle shoes are on a comeback, whether it's nasty fashion versions or the classic tan/white or tan/buck variants. I've always had a soft spot for them and for years I've kept a pair that I bought from Crockett & Jones factory made for Ralph Lauren Polo about 15 years …
The Return of GANT – Quietly and By Accident?
In amongst the usual Dad's wear and euro sloane preppy nonsense, in the last couple of seasons, GANT have sneaked in some really nice bits and pieces to their Rugger collection. I don't know what their PR is like in the US but here in the UK it's like they were told they had to sell the stuff and …
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You Need The Right Car to Go With It…
In the late 50s and into the 1960s, the must have accessory for any young blade was a British sportscar. Austin Healey, Triumph TR, MGA, or here the classic Sunbeam Alpine and a nice shearling coat to go with it. …
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Apres Ski Playboy Chukkas, Michigan 1963
Unusual Playboy chukkas in what appears to be tan leather with a natural blond crepe sole... …
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Pendleton From Head to Toe – 1958
Both the plaid sports jacket and the holdall are really nice, although I'm not sure I'd want to wear one and carry the other at the same time. The holdall should be one for the Japanese reissue... …