The 'New' Weejun Dover. Dump It Off the White Cliffs, I Say. This blog is supposed to be a positive celebration of Americana but this week there's been a bit of a negative tone about where some of the classic US brands are today. It's not really my place to have a dig at these companies. In …
Shoes I Have Loved: Vintage Bass Weejuns 2 Tie Moccasins
Back in 2000 I was sent on a mission to LA on behalf of well known TV company to talk to Warner Bros about why they didn't really need to buy into Warner's own version of the internet, called Entertaindom, instead of using the real internet for free. Strange but true. Anyway the point is that I got …
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What’s Wrong Old Bean? LL Ain’t What It Used To Be
Yesterday's post of some wonderful vintage LL Bean hunting gear from a LIFE magazine feature in 1941, led to The Weejun being followed on Twitter by LL Bean's Head of PR. This set to me to thinking about bringing forward a piece I've been planning since first starting The Weejun, and that is the …
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L.L Bean – Hunting Gear from 1941
Whatever you think of the mumsy style of LL Bean these days and the self-butchering of their own heritage, once upon a time it was about as hard core as you could get if you wanted a spot of upland hunting. This photo series appeared in LIFE magazine in 1941. Some elements are still available in …
What’s The Weejun Buying on Ebay? Florsheim Imperials!
Last night I lost an auction for a pair of vintage Weejuns that I'd been watching for ten days. The seller had agreed to ship to the UK, which was very nice of him, but at the last second when my bid went in I got an error message from Ebay saying seller hadn't selected 'ship' worldwide. Too late …
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Weejun Wearer of the Week – Teenager 1943
'Teenager Dressing in Her Brother's Pants' - 1943 You couldn't make up a caption like that.... I wonder what's in the shoe organiser on the back of the door? …
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The Look: Images and Styles That Have Influenced The Weejun
New Series Over many years there have been certain movies, record covers, or just stills that have captured the essence of a look that has inspired the Weejun towards a better wardrobe. Inspired by some of the great posts over at Film Noir Buff I decide to start a new series with some of the …
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The Hathaway Shirts Eye Patch Gent
In amongst the batch of vintage new old stock button down shirts I received from the USA earlier this week were two identical Hathaway white button downs from the 1960s. As well as the fact that unlike almost every other manufacturer of Brooks knock off oxford shirts, these have no placket on the …
Weejun Wearer of The Week – Unknown Model
Found on Google images - unknown young lady modelling her weejuns... Well this post has caused some stir in Ivy Land, so here are some images from the anonymous weejun wearing woman. For those who are actually into this stuff for 'personal' reasons here's the link to the whole 152 …
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Two Tone Weejuns Set For A Comeback. Queue Here…
Found this interesting post on the blog about Bass teaming up with Opening Ceremony. Some of the Jo Boxer style saddle boots are a bit too frankenstein for my taste, but two tone weejuns... very nice, although for me brown and white/cream would be the one. Or Scotch grain, or …
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